A better way to monitor your services.

Monitor your API and website globally, identify performance issues, downtime and receive alerts before your users are affected.

Trusted By


  • Latency Monitoring Monitor the latency of your endpoints from all over the world. We support all the continents.

  • Monitor anything API, DNS, domain, SSL, SMTP, ping, webpage... We can monitor it all.

  • Cron Monitoring Never let a cron job fail you. Get notified when a job did not run successfully.

    Coming soon


Total pings


Pings in the last hour


Active monitors

Sick of booking a demo to know more? Test your endpoint or check our public dashboard right away.

Status Pages



45 days ago


Learn more
  • Build trust Showcase your reliability to your users, and reduce the number of customer service tickets.

  • Custom domain Bring your own domain, give the status page a personal touch.

  • Subscription Let your users subscribe to your status page, to automatically receive updates about the status of your services.


Monitor down

Mar 12, 2023 19:14:45

We couldn't reach your endpoint in Amsterdam.

Screenshot captured

Mar 12, 2023 19:14:55

3 incoming notifications from Grafana.

Notification sent

Mar 12, 2023 19:15:01

Smart notification with summary sent to your Slack channel.

Monitor recovered

Mar 12, 2023 19:21:30

The endpoint response is back.

  • Reduce fatigue Reduce your alerts fatigue with automatic noise reduction.

    Coming soon
  • Escalation Notify and escalate an alert to the right team member.

    Coming soon
  • Get alerted Get notified via Email, SMS, Slack, Discord,... before your users do.

Learn how your services are performing over time, and notify your users of any issues.